Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Rasanya sudah lama sekali sejak saya mem-posting sesuatu di blog ini :D
Sebenarnya banyaaaaaakkkk sekali yang ingin saya ungkapkan.

Malam ini, aku melihat beberapa foto temanku yang tinggal di Eropa.
Sering aku chatting dengannya, dia sudah aku anggap layaknya kakak ku sendiri.
Aku bertanya banyak tentang kehidupan disana.
Yang mana menurut mereka, amat sangat bebas, fun dan benar benar enjoy the life.
Hehehehe memang sih, aku ingin seperti mereka.
Yang bisa merasakan salju di tangan ketika November - Desember datang.
Yang bisa merasakan indahnya gedung gedung tua nan megah di sana.
Yang bisa merasakan musim berganti musim, keindahan bahasa dan tempat di sana.

Terkadang aku membayangkan pegunungan di Swiss.
Ketika salju datang, sejauh mata memandang yang terlihat hanyalah warna putih.
Sejauh kaki melangkah, yang kita injak adalah butiran butiran salju :D
Hujan salju dimana mantel dan sweater kita akan basah oleh salju yang mencair.

Kadang aku ingin memiliki hidup yang seperti itu.
Memang benar kata pepatah "rumput tetangga selalu terlihat lebih hijau".
Mereka memandang hidupku ini menyenangkan.
Namun kita sendiri, terkadang menginginkan kehidupan seperti mereka.
Lalu, apa artinya semua ini ?
Dalam hati yang terdalam, hanya bisa berharap bahwa hari itu akan datang. SEGERA !!



Sunday, November 11, 2012


Hey girl I’m waiting on ya, I’m waiting on ya
Come on and let me sneak you out
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up, the windows down

Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we’re cool and we know it too
Yeah, we’ll keep doing what we do
Just pretending that we’re cool, so tonight

Let’s go crazy, crazy, crazy ’til we see the sun
I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and live while we’re young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young

Hey girl it’s now or never, it’s now or never
Don't overthink just let it go
And if we get together, yeah, get together
Don’t let the pictures leave your phone

Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we’re cool, so tonight

Let’s go crazy, crazy, crazy ’til we see the sun
I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and live while we’re young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young

And girl, you and I
We’re about to make some memories tonight
I wanna live while we’re young
We wanna live while we’re young

Let’s go crazy, crazy, crazy ’til we see the sun
I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young

Crazy, crazy, crazy ’til we see the sun
I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young

Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)
C'mon, young
Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)
Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)
Tonight let's get some, and live while we're young

Favourite *
YOOOO let's dance :D Live while we're young :P


Sunday, November 4, 2012


          I wake up in this morning and sitting in silence. I remember what i have done these days past. Sometimes i think i need a time machine. Why ? Just because with a time machine, maybe i can turn back the time as before. Still fresh in my mind, things that i done weeks ago. Those craziness with no basic at all. Things that pulled me in, that addicted me. Hard to avoid, but so easy to imagine, to do, and to have. But always, it is just me, adventuring in this life with all those hidden stuff that i never known before. slowly but surely, those hidden stuff are showing up in front of my face. It was just a second to took the step to get inside, but needs days and nearly weeks to stop it. I really wish that maybe if i could turned back the time, i wouldn't gone that crazy. To be honest, that craziness now sticks around me. It is just me, enjoying life with doing something crazy that i never done before. But sooner or later, i am sure, i will survive from that lunatic things. See ya in the next post.


Sunday, October 7, 2012


When A Girl Accepts Your
Friend Request It Means She
Accepted Your Friend-ship
Not Your Proposal

When A Girl Sends You A Friend Request,
It Means She Wants To Be Your
Friend Not Your Girlfriend

When She Tags You It Means
She Wants To Share Her Thoughts
With You And Not That She's
Lost In Your Thoughts

When She Comments On Your Status
It Means She's Just Being Social
And Not Flirting,

When She Likes Your Comment
It Means She Likes Your Comment Not You...!


This happens in FB WORLD ^_^
Taken From FB ACCOUNT :D

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Saat kau MENYUKAI seseorang, kau ingin memilikinya untuk keegoisanmu sendiri.
Saat kau MENYAYANGI seseorang, kau ingin sekali membuatnya bahagia dan bukan untuk dirimu sendiri.
Saat kau MENCINTAI seseorang, kau akan melakukan apapun untuk kebahagiaannya walaupun kau harus mengorbankan jiwamu.

Saat kau MENYUKAI seseorang dan berada di sisinya maka kau akan bertanya,"Bolehkah aku menciummu?"
Saat kau MENYAYANGI seseorang dan berada di sisinya maka kau akan bertanya,"Bolehkah aku memelukmu?"
Saat kau MENCINTAI seseorang dan berada di sisinya maka kau akan menggenggam erat tangannya...

SUKA adalah saat ia menangis, kau akan berkata "Sudahlah, jangan menangis.
SAYANG adalah saat ia menangis dan kau akan menangis bersamanya.
CINTA adalah saat ia menangis dan kau akan membiarkannya menangis di pundakmu sambil berkata, "Mari kita selesaikan masalah ini bersama - sama."

SUKA adalah saat kau melihatnya kau akan berkata, "Ia sangat cantik dan menawan.
SAYANG adalah saat kau melihatnya kau akan melihatnya dari hatimu dan bukan matamu.
CINTA adalah saat kau melihatnya kau akan berkata, "Buatku dia adalah anugerah terindah yang pernah Tuhan berikan padaku.."

Pada saat orang yang kau SUKAi menyakitimu, maka kau akan marah dan tak mau lagi bicara padanya.
Pada saat orang yang kau SAYANGi menyakitimu, engkau akan menangis untuknya.
Pada saat orang yang kau CINTAi menyakitimu, kau akan berkata, "Tak apa dia hanya tak tau apa yang dia lakukan."

Pada saat kau SUKA padanya, kau akan MEMAKSANYA untuk menyukaimu.
Pada saat kau SAYANG padanya, kau akan MEMBIARKANNYA MEMILIH.
Pada saat kau CINTA padanya, kau akan selalu MENANTINYA dengan setia dan tulus...

SUKA adalah kau akan menemaninya bila itu menguntungkan.
SAYANG adalah kau akan menemaninya di saat dia membutuhkan.
CINTA adalah kau akan menemaninya di saat bagaimana keadaanmu.

SUKA adalah hal yang menuntut.
SAYANG adalah hal memberi dan menerima.
CINTA adalah hal yang memberi dengan rela.


Note : In Indonesia language, Love can be described with 3 words. Suka, Sayang and Cinta.

Suka is more like you "LIKE", it described above, Like is more like an selfish love that just want all good things from that someone, without care of what he/she wants

Sayang is a bit similar with Cinta. Both have those kind a giving, caring, loyal and all.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dàng Nǐ Gūdān Nǐ Huì Xiǎngqǐ Shéi LYRIC - NICHOLAS TEO


Nǐ de xīnqíng zǒng zài fēi
You are always flying

Shénme shì dōu xiǎng qù zhuī
Want to chase everything

Xiǎng zhuāzhù yìdiǎn ānwèi
Want to grab a little comfort

Nǐ zǒngshì xǐhuan zài rénqún zhōng páihuái
You always wander in the crowd

Nǐ zuì hàipà gūdān de zīwèi
You are most scared of being lonely

Nǐ de xīn nàme cuì, yí pèng jiù huì suì
Your heart is so fragile, once touch then will broke

Jīngbuqǐ yìdiǎn fēng chuī
Can not stand a little wind

Nǐ de shēnbiān zǒngshì yào xǔduō rén péi
You always want people to stay

Nǐ zuì hàipà měitiān de tiānhēi
You most afraid of the dark every day

Dànshì tiān zǒng huì hēi, rén zǒng yào líbié
But the sky will turn dark, the people will have to leave
Shéi yě bùnéng yǒngyuǎn péi shéi
And someone can not always accompany

ér gūdān de zīwèi, shéi dōu yào miànduì
Being lonely, everyone must face

Bù zhǐshì nǐ wǒ huì gǎnjué dào píbèi
Not only you and I will feel tired

Dàng nǐ gūdān nǐ huì xiǎngqǐ shéi
Who you think of when you're lonely

Nǐ xiǎng bù xiǎng zhǎo gèrén lái péi
Do you want someone to accompany you.

Nǐ de kuàilè shāngbēi zhǐyǒu wǒ néng tǐhuì
It is the only me who can feel your happiness and sorrow

Ràng wǒ zài péi nǐ zǒu yìhuí
Let me walk with you once more time

Remembering old nice song
From Nicholas Teo.
"Who you think of when you're lonely"


Sunday, September 23, 2012

LIFE - PART 4 ( SEPTEMBER 18TH, 2012 )

          Finally that day passed. I have been waiting nearly 9 months for this date. Passed days, weeks and months, finally i reached this date. September 18th, 2012 was the one and only in my life. I didn't wanna pass this day. It is unsure, will i feel the same for September 18th next year. Something hidden in this heart made this date is so precious for me. This was a special day for me. Day was fine and had many colors :) Those colors are sad, happy, flat, boring, longing, fun and many :D What a mixed feeling i had. But i really don't know the reason of why i had those feelings. Just like right now, i don't know why i am sad. But i also don't know of why my heart beats so fast again but honestly i am relaxing now and i love my life.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


"Eternal Flame" is a song by The Bangles from their 1988 album Everything. It became a hit single, when released in 1989, peaking at number one in the charts in nine countries, including Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It was written by popular songwriters Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelly and The Bangles' own Susanna Hoffs. With this song and "Walk Like An Egyptian", The Bangles became only the third all-girl group to score multiple no.1's in the United States. (The others are The Supremes, who had 12, and The Shirelles, with 2.).

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_Flame_%28song%29

This song also sang by Candice Accola as Caroline Forbes in Vampire Diaries :D Awww :D one of my best vampire story :D For me twilight is now nothing :D but Vampire Diaries took my heart :D Just try these both video :D Caroline sang perfectly too :) and his boyfriend Matt went to the stage and kissed her :D What a romantic and lovely :D Luph Luph :D And Alaric and Jenna were like "woooooooo" sadly Damon and Stefan weren't there :(

This is the lyric :

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
Do you feel my heart beating
Do you understand
Do you feel the same
Am I only dreaming
Is this burning an eternal flame

I believe it's meant to be, darling
I watch you when you are sleeping
You belong with me
Do you feel the same
Am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame

Say my name sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely
And then you come and ease the pain

I don't want to lose this feeling


Sunday, September 16, 2012



[LYRICS] 2AM - You Wouldn't Answer My Calls Hangul

얼마나 싫어할 지 알면서도
이것 밖에 할 게 없다
너의 집 앞에서
하릴없이 너를 기다리는 일

아무리 나 비참해도
너를 잃는 것보단
잃을 게 없어서 같은 곳에서
너의 집 앞에서 기다린다

이미 전활 받지 않는 너에게
나를 보려조차 않는 너에게
아무리 빌어도 용서를 구해도
소용 없는 일이라 해도

너의 집 앞에 서서 기다린다
나를 본체조차 하지 않아도
마치 처음 본 사람처럼 날 지나쳐도
미안하다는 내 한마딜 들어줄 때까지

수 십 번씩 전화기를 보고
작은 소리에도 놀라서
너의 문자인지
몇 번씩 확인하곤 했어

처음엔 늘 있는 다툼처럼
돌아 올 줄 알았어
이렇게 독하게 날 떠나기엔
너는 너무 착한 여자라서

이미 전활 받지 않는 너에게
나를 보려조차 않는 너에게
아무리 빌어도 용서를 구해도
소용 없는 일이라 해도

너의 집 앞에 서서 기다린다
나를 본체조차 하지 않아도
마치 처음 본 사람처럼 날 지나쳐도
미안하다는 내 한마딜 들어줄 때까지

[LYRICS] 2AM - You Wouldn't Answer My Calls Romanization

Eolmana shireohal ji almyeonseodo
Eegut bakgae hal gae eopda
Neo.ae jip apaeseo
Halileopsi neoreul gidarineun il

Amuri na bichamhaedo
Neoreul ilneun geotbodan
Ileul gae eopseose gateun gosaeseo
Neo.ae jip apaeseo gidarinda

Imi junhwal badji anneun neo.aegae
Nareul boryeojocha anneun neo.aegae
Amuri bileodo yongseoreul guhaedo
Soyong eopneun ilira haedo

Neo.ae jip apae seoseo gidarinda
Nareul bonchejocha haji anado
Machi cheo.eum bohn saramcheoreom nal jinachyeodo
Mianhadaneun nae hanmadil deuleojul ddaekkaji

Su ship beonsshik jeonhwagireul bogo
Jakeun sori.aedo nollaseo
Neo.ae moonjainji
Myeot beonsshik hwakinhagon haesseo

Cheo.eumaeneun neul itneun datoomcheoreom
Dora ol jul arasseo
Eereokhae dokhagae nal ddeonagien
Neoneun neomu chakhan yeojaraseo

Imi junhwal badji anneun neo.aegae
Nareul boryeojocha anneun neo.aegae
Amuri bileodo yongseoreul guhaedo
Soyong eopneun ilira haedo

Neo.ae jip apae seoseo gidarinda
Nareul bonchejocha haji anado
Machi cheo.eum bohn saramcheoreom nal jinachyeodo
Mianhadaneun nae hanmadil deuleojul ddaekkaji

[LYRICS] 2AM - You Wouldn't Answer My Calls English

Even though I know
How much, how much you'd hate it
This is the only thing I can do
Waiting aimlessly for you
in front of your house

No matter
No matter how pathetic I am
Rather than forgetting about you
Since I have nothing to forget
At the same place
In front of your house, I wait

To you, who already wouldn't answer my calls
To you, who won't even look at me
No matter how much I wish and beg for forgiveness
Even if you say it's useless

I stand and wait in front of your house
Even if you pretend like you didn't see me
Even if you pass me by like someone you saw for the first time
Until you listen to my apology, the one thing I have to say

In a day
I look at my phone so many times
I became surprised by even a small noise
That I checked several times
To see if it was a text from you

At first
At first, like after the fights we always had
I thought you would come back
Because you're too nice of a woman
To leave me so painfully like this

To you, who already wouldn't answer my calls
To you, who won't even look at me
No matter how much I wish and beg for forgiveness
Even if you say it's useless

I stand and wait in front of your house
Even if you pretend like you didn't see me
Even if you pass me by like someone you saw for the first time
Until you listen to my apology, the one thing I have to say

Urus Visa Schengen Sendiri - Undangan (Tanpa Agent, Tanpa Surat Kantor) - PART B

    Ini adalah kelanjutan dari proses pengurusan Visa Schengen ku ya temen-temen. Setelah pada Part A, aku punya checklist dokumen untuk vis...