Wednesday, March 19, 2014


          Spending time with internet is always such a relaxing time for me. I talk with friends, reading some articles, reading a history article, and still many more. I talked a lot with my friends. Both of them now work in an Elementary School as a teacher :) We talked much, from A to Z, from Z to A. Remembering our precious teenage time that is slowly gone now. I work for an export and import company as an Export Staff. If you ask me how is it, i tell you now, it is sooo much tired, boring but also happy :) Well this is life. I accept it, always try my best to just accept everything that comes and goes. Well, eventhough sometimes, i also regret my life. Sometimes i cry when the troubles come, but i will laugh out loud when the happiness stays.

          When i was kid, i always want to be a doctor. Yeah, it was when i was about 7 till 10 years old maybe. But since i gone to Junior High School, i was interested to be a teacher or a tourist guide. Since that time, those ideal are always in my mind until now. To be an employee in an office is really not my interest since i was kid. That is what my mom wants for me. She said being an employee in an office is cool. So when i reached it for her, she felt so proud and happy. But to be honest, i don't really enjoy my self to work as an employee. So that was why when i heard that my friends succeed to be a teacher, i became a little bit jealous :D hahaha so i told them that i am jealous but i wish them a more successful time ahead. They both are my best friends.

          Realize it or not, people always want another people's life. They just not enough with what they have now. This is the phrase we use to say here "other people's field always look greener than mine". I used to believe that words but as the time goes by, i can learn now that those words are not always true. There is impossible in this world that a person could live free from problems. I believe although how cool and calm their life is, but they surely have problems in their life, whether it is big one or small ones. So let's just live our life as it is. I train my life to always enjoy and cherish every moments that come. When we say thank you to God for everything we have, i believe new Grace from Him will come even more. We surely have ideals, but we can try and keep trying to get our ideals, just let's not just comparing our life with other's. But let's have our endless effort to have a greener field for our own.


Urus Visa Schengen Sendiri - Undangan (Tanpa Agent, Tanpa Surat Kantor) - PART B

    Ini adalah kelanjutan dari proses pengurusan Visa Schengen ku ya temen-temen. Setelah pada Part A, aku punya checklist dokumen untuk vis...