Saturday, September 28, 2013


I used to listened and believed in you..
For every sweet words that you said..
For every single promises that you gave..
I trusted you with the whole heart..

While i was pretending to be blind..
While i was pretending to be okay..
And prayed in my heart, and told my self..
That one day i you will care and change for me..

Now i slowly realize..
That your words have came to nothing..
That i shouldn't have believed in you..
That i shouldn't have dreamed about our future..

In spite of my love to you..
The broken trust can't be healed..
And the pain is yet to recover..
I will never know what you really planned..

Now here i am, standing in pain..
Left again with nothing..
But a broken trust and a broken heart..
From you, the one that i love with all i am..


Tuesday, September 24, 2013


For the things that i've seen...
For all the pains that i've felt...
For the tears that flow down...
But i was happy being in love, because it was you…

For our love falls apart...
But spending time with you...
Such the precious one i've ever had...
That i will never want to let them go...

Because it was with you...
The ache that i would love to feel...
The tears that i would love to have...
Just because it was with you, honey…


Sunday, September 1, 2013


Hari ini, ya hari ini, 1 September 2013, adalah hari jadian gue sama dia yang di ujung sana. Kita jadian hanya ngobrol lewat skype, yah mungkin bagi kalian ini aneh atau bahkan ga romantis sama sekali. Tapi pikirkanlah jika kalian di posisi gue, gue memang sudah tertarik sama doi sejak awal 2012. Memang dari dulu kala kita selalu berhubungan lewat social media. Gue kenal dia sejak 2011 pertengahan menjelang akhir.

Lewat setiap obrolan, gue mulai mengenal dia. Jujur saja lah ya, dia itu orang Jerman. Jika kita mulai pacaran sejak 2013 maka dibutuhkan 2 tahun buat kita untuk mengenal satu sama lain lewat persahabatan. Jujur gue nyaman sama doi dan doi bukan tipe2 bule porno yang seperti kebanyakan kita temui di social media. Itu yang bikin gue yg respect sama dia, itulah nilai plus buat dia.

Sebenernya kita mulai berpacaran itu sejak 10 November 2013, yang mana itu tepat di hari ulang tahun keponakannya. Hehehehe.. Jika begini, tentu saja kita akan susah merayakan hari jadi kita, so kita ubah tanggal jadian yg awalnya 10 November 2013 itu menjadi 1 September 2013. Jadi kita bakalan ngerayain hari jadi kita tiap 1 September. Apalah arti tanggal jadian yang penting adalah perasaan saling setia yg tumbuh meski jarak memisahkan. Setidaknya menurut kita sih begitu, jadi kita fine fine aja merubah tanggal jadian hehehe.

Gue ga tau bakal seperti apa kedepannya. Sekarang ya maunya sih jalanin aja dulu sambil doa. Emang sih LDR, tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Salah juga sih gue-nya kenapa bisa suka ama cowo yang jelas jelas tinggalnya di ujung sono. Tapi ya kalian tau sendirilah, yang namanya cinta mah ga bisa dibikin dan ga bisa ditolak atuh.

Kalo ada yang punya pengalaman LDR please share ya baik dan buruknya. Soalnya gue jujur nih happy banget tapi juga ketar ketir gitu.. Maksudnya takut klo gagal sih sebenernya. Yaelah kaya lagi bikin masakan aja takut gagal :D Sekian dulu nih curhatan ga jelas hari ini hehehe. See you di postingan selanjutnyaaaa.


Sunday, August 25, 2013


Bulan nampak begitu indah di atas sana...
Malam ini pun semakin larut...

Sesaat kuhirup, keharuman malam semerbak di hidungku...
Memasuki seluruh relung di dadaku... 

Bahagia itu masih tetap ada...
Namun kepedihan dan rindu ini tak jua lekas sirna...

Jika kau bertanya mengapa?
Aku pun terdiam, dan tak dapat menjawab...

Pertanyaan hanyalah pertanyaan tak terjawabkan...
Kenangan hanyalah kenangan tak terlupakan...

Apa arti malam ini ?
Malam ini adalah malam - malam lain dalam kesendirianku...


Thursday, April 4, 2013


Bertemulah rindu dan cinta...
Keduanya mengalir dengan penuh kasih...
Senyum yang tak pernah sirna selalu menghiasi hati hati yang sedang memadu...
Kebahagiaan kian menyambut dua perasaan itu...
Melambungkan asa semakin tinggi dan tinggi ke tempat syahdu...

Hingga suatu hari badai kelabu datang...
Kegelapannya membawa kemelut...
Aliran yang penuh kasih itu pun berlalu...
Bergantikan dengan gelombang penuh amarah...
Menjadikan semua hanya kenangan belaka...


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I never knew I lost you till I found you
And I never guessed how close you were to me
And now I wanna throw my arms around you
Tell a thousand tales that will astound you
Everything about you tells me this was meant to be, don't you see

I'm on your side
Let's take this ride
And together we're facing the world
Doing things nobody's done before
And the great divide
Doesn't seem so wide anymore

I can't recall what life was like without you
Now it feels as though we've never been apart
Tell me every tiny thing about you
Anything you'll say I'll never doubt you
We're meant to be together I can feel it in my heart
It's just the start

I'm on your side
Let's take this ride
And together we're facing the world
Doing things nobody's done before
And the great divide
Doesn't seem so wide

And if you'll be there beside me when I falter
(You'll be there beside me when I falter)
Then whatever comes I know we'll take it all in stride
(Take it all in stride)
I'm on your side

The great divide
Doesn't seem so wide

I'm on your side
Let's take this ride
And together we're facing the world
Doing things nobody's done before
And the great divide
Doesn't seem so wide anymore


These days m listening to it.
back again to Disney movie.
Tinkerbell series, Toy Story series and still many other.
Besides music and club, they can wash away my stress anyway.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Another day another happiness.
Today, back again i learnt the AX program.
Sooooooo confusing me anyway.
Learnt a lot and get dizzy a lot.
But today i learnt it with him. Aww don't know!!!!
I am so dizzy that manager wants me to get in it.
And i am really trying everytime i have this lesson.
I want to be able and i want to understand of how this program works.
And he taught me and my friends today.
In the morning we learnt about discount in sales.
And again everytime he teaches, i can't even see his eyes.
So i just saw straight to computer, while he was sitting next to me.
Moving the cursor left to right, up and down, thinking, and etc.
I cursed my self, God, i don't know what happened :(
I just don't want this, really, but.
I really admire in him, the way he solved the problems we had.

In the afternoon, i was asking to another consultant in that room.
That consultant got some difficulties to solve my question.
So that consultant sit again next to him, and he taught his friend gently :P
Then the consultant came back to us (me and my friend)
And could solve our problem :D
It is really an A+ for him, i feel more spirit to know more about the program.
For me, he is soo smart, calm and he is soooooo straight to the point!! :D
Tomorrow i wont meet him, because he won't come in office.
But it's okay, as i said before, another day another happiness :)
I don't love him, but i just admire in him the way he does everything :D

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


It's been a long time, since last time i loved someone.
These months i meet a man, i don't know.
His age, again so different with mine.
He is maybe about 15 years old older than me.
I don't know is it love or just like i am his fan.
But just, he is so smart, tidy, always on time, and a hard worker i think.
I think i am crazy to always in love with someone a way older than me.
But i just can't stop thinking about him these days.
And about my feeling, no one in my office knows it.
I will keep it as secret, i'll make sure of it.
I never and will never tell anyone or show it in front of him or my friends.

He is actually a kinda teacher for our company to use a new program
He helps us to learn how the new program works, how we use it, etc.
For the first and second time i joined the training,
I was like, "uhh this man acts so cool all the time,
Acts like he is the coolest guy, small talk, keep silent, sometimes thinking a lot,
Sometimes just standing up and come closer to us to see how we work"
Those are just what i saw for the first and second time i joined the training.
Months ago, i didn't join it, so i just know him.
We never talked and just i had no feeling with him at all.
That time, i was still in gloomy mood after the broken heart.
And for a while i tried to be alone, to set everything in 0 level again.

But these days i feel like, i don't know, i am happy, have again my own spirits.
Feel alive, feel just enjoy again.
Or maybe is this love again ? But i really hope not.
I don't wanna love him, but just, better to be only an admirer.
Oh yeah, just an admirer.


Sunday, January 13, 2013


Heeyyyyyyyyy guys.. Meet you again :D
In this time i wanna post about my favourite TV Series
Yeaaaahhhh Vampire Diaries
Want to talk much but, a bit confuse what i have to write
Because too many stuff i want to tell you about this movie.
I don't know where to start, and i can hardly explain you all.

But well, then for this time, let me post about the pics of them first.
Now this movie has 4 seasons. So i will show you best woman characters based on my mind.
Too many good characters actually. Even besides the characters that i am posting here.
You can find another best characters when you watch the movie.

This is it :D I will start with the woman stars from whom i love most.

1. Caroline Forbes by Candice Accola.
    The first character that i love. 
She is Elena and Bonnie's bestfriend.
    I really really admire her. 
She is soooo beautiful, cheerful, and a very very strong vampire.
    The way she is now is so different with when she was still a human.
    She had Damon's blood in her system, and killed by Katherine Pierce.
 Then soon became a vampire.
    She was in love with Matt Donovan (a human), then with Tyler Lockwood (a werewolf).
    But soon i hope with Klaus too :P but if happened would pity Tyler :( ahh don't know :P
    Till season 3 and some season 4 that i watched, Caroline really took Klaus' heart.

    For me personally, i always love it to see their scenes.
    Wish that Klaus will really be with Caroline.
    She is also the Miss Mystic Falls :P PERFECT!!!

2. Rebekah by Claire Holt
    The second character that i love :P
    She is an original vampire, live about thousand years ago.
    Can't die with only a stake in her heart, but need a wood of an White Oak Tree to kill the originals.
    Sister of Klaus, Elijah, Kol and Finn. She is the only daughter in the family.
    Her closest brother is Klaus. In about 1920, Rebekah met Stefan in a club.
    She started to love him, and that night she refused to follow Klaus to escape from Mikael.
    Klaus didn't really like it, then he drove a dagger through her heart.
    It made Rebekah slept for a while but not forever.
    For the original, the dagger only will make them sleep a while.
    And they will just back to live, when someone pulls out the dagger from their heart.

3. Anna by Malese Jow
    The third character that i love :P
    She is a young vampire, but live in 1864 in Mystic Falls.
    I don't really know when she was born as a human.
    But she had already exist in 1864, her mother is also a vampire, Pearl, a friend of Katherine Pierce.
    She back again to Mystic Falls to free her mother from tomb she had been trapped since 1864.
    She was killed with in season 1, in the Founders Day's in Mystic Falls.
    But before killed Jeremy's uncle. She was also in love with Jeremy Gilbert, brother of Elena Gilbert.
    Then for a while she stayed in the other side, but could meet Jeremy again as a ghost.
    Soon she found the peace and met her mom and never comes back. She is cool!!!!

4. Elena Gilbert and Katherine Pierce by Nina Dobrev
    The fourth character that i love :P but she is the main character in VD.
    Nina plays for 2 characters in VD, as Elena Gilbert (a human before) and as a Katherine Pierce (vampire)

    As Elena she was a pure and kind human. She was a doppelganger that haunted by Klaus.
    Left by her step parents, aunt, and real parents.
    Now only live with Jeremy Gilbert (younger brother) after Alaric Saltzman (history teacher) gone too.
    She was Matt donovan's exgirlfriend.
    Then in love with Stefan Salvatore (vampire) in first and second season.
    But i think for the third season she was also has a little crush with Damon Salvatore (Stefan's bro)
    But although she is in love with Stefan but she doesn't want to be a vampire, but let's see :D
    In the beginning of season 4 she turned to be a vampire.

    As Katherine Pierce, long long time ago when she was a human, she was also haunted by Klaus.
    Then she become a vampire and has many boyfriends, including those the Salvatore Brothers.
    Katherine was a past for those Salvatore Brothers, she turned them to be vampires in 1864.
    Damon was in love with her so much and wanted to free her from the tomb that trapped her.
    While Stefan has moved on and found Elena Gilbert in present time.
    Damon disappointed, actually Katherine wasn't there, she wasn't trapped in the tomb.
    But she didn't come back to Mystic Falls for the Salvatores, although she is in love with Stefan.
    One time she back to Mystic Falls for a reason and she also ruined Stefan and Elena's relationship.
    But after Klaus back, she was gone a while.
    She also took part in a plan to kill Klaus.
    But then Klaus wasn't killed, Mikael (Klaus's Father) killed.
    Then Katherine left again.

So they are the best four for me :D
I just love them. Love how they can really be what they are in the movie.
So you guys, you better watch this movie.
Believe me you'll love it too :)
Now it reached season 4.
You can download it or you can buy at the store :D

Bye bye


Urus Visa Schengen Sendiri - Undangan (Tanpa Agent, Tanpa Surat Kantor) - PART B

    Ini adalah kelanjutan dari proses pengurusan Visa Schengen ku ya temen-temen. Setelah pada Part A, aku punya checklist dokumen untuk vis...