Saturday, September 28, 2013


I used to listened and believed in you..
For every sweet words that you said..
For every single promises that you gave..
I trusted you with the whole heart..

While i was pretending to be blind..
While i was pretending to be okay..
And prayed in my heart, and told my self..
That one day i you will care and change for me..

Now i slowly realize..
That your words have came to nothing..
That i shouldn't have believed in you..
That i shouldn't have dreamed about our future..

In spite of my love to you..
The broken trust can't be healed..
And the pain is yet to recover..
I will never know what you really planned..

Now here i am, standing in pain..
Left again with nothing..
But a broken trust and a broken heart..
From you, the one that i love with all i am..


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