Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Wow, it's been 2 years now i haven't made any single post.

But here i go again.

Anyone of you ever had a "diary"?

Me, yeah i ever had a diary when i was still 12 years old. When i was still studied in Junior High School. A year after graduated from Elementary School i think.
I used to write all my whole days in that book
The time when i got punishment from my Math teacher, the time when i got a compliment from my history and english teacher, i love those time.
And well, i also wrote there about the time i started to falling in love with someone. Hahahahah, if now i am remembering again my past time when i was still in Junior High School, it was such a funny times. I usually wrote there, before i sleep.

I still remember it clearly :D about the time i bought that book. The colour was purple, a thick book while there was a little girl was walking in the cover pic :D The book is cool. I bought that and every night before i went to bed, i sit on my chair in my room and just wrote in that book. Sometimes was something like
           "Dear Diary, today i was so happy :D I was happy because again met him in Scout Activity. I hope that next time he will again angry on me and give me punishment. Because i love it when he gets angry. He still looks so cute hahahahaha and well, there also because i want to get a higher position in Scout :D From now on i will be the girl who will read all the ten Dasa Dharma in every ceremony held. I am so proud that i will stand in front of many friends and then say all loud all the ten Dasa Dharma without reading from a paper. Yeah, this is all because of him. He is such a good senior that always force me to memorize all the claps, codes, knots, and rules in Scout. So that's why i hope he will again angry on me :D and force me to do or memorize something. For what he tells me i always do that. Every after Scout Activity whenever we are in our way home by bycicle we always talked and sometimes he shared something secrets of what usually senior's do :D hahahah it really helps me. He is soooo good and funny senior :D he just angry sometimes, but soon again he will good to me. I hope tomorrow will be happier than today. Hugs diary. Good night"

Yeah so sometimes i was just writing like that :D and whenever it was a sad story i wrote it only with black pen colour. Hahahaha :D was very different with the i happy story i had. The reason why i wrote the happy moments with the colourful pen was because my heart was also colourful just like the pen colour.

Well, i live in the 90's era. I don't really know now whether such things "writing on a Diary" still happening now. I know it was stupid to do, especially with the risk that someone might read it secretly if we are too careless. But still, in my opinion  it was a good and fun thing to do, also when we could open it one day and read one of those story we wrote.. Time flies so fast, memories should be counted each day.

So what do you think ? Are you going to make one now ? :P


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