Friday, March 30, 2012


In this quiet night, i am sitting in my longing...
Day by day i pass without that smiles...
Day by day i pass without hearing from you...
Day by day i start by missing your face...
And day by day i end with a nightmare...
I found myself so lonesome...

Now that i want, is just stay alone...
Alone and just moan sadly...
Alone and just see your pictures...
Alone and thinking about our memories...
When it was began so sweet till the end of this...
You blast my love and cut my heart into pieces...

My happy days, my cheerful smiles...
My spirit of life have been taken away...
You took away, and you simply throw them away...
Nothing left in this cold and gloomy life...
Just sadness, hurt, pain, longing and loneliness...
Maybe this is what you want to see from this weak girl...

As long as you happy, it will be always okay for me...
As long as you get your dreams come true, i'll be fine...
In my entire life, you are the one who make me like this...
Tears falling down and down, fast and fast...
My heart burnt with what's happening, it is so much in pain...
You came and left in my life, leaving this broken heart...

But still this heart is just yours, that's beating daily for you...
Weather you still care or not now, i don't even know...
I am loving you with all of my heart and life...
I am giving you all my truth and my secret...
I kiss your shadow in my every nights secretly...
The prince of my heart, how are you ? I miss you so bad.....


My price, wherever you are now, i hope you'll just fine
You don't even know this page... but i love to think and write about you in this page..
I just love the way you are.. be yourself forever.. And be happy with her... Love u forever..


Thursday, March 29, 2012


Love is above all, the gift of oneself - Jean Anouilh

Love is when you can be your true self with someone,
and you only want to be your true self of them - Terri Guillemets

Love is feeling comfortable and save with someone,
but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you - Anonymous

Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Love is neither true or false, love is love - Camilla Saunders

Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time - Maya Angelou

Love is like a war. Easy to begin but hard to end - Anonymous

Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered  by imagination - Voltaire

Love is like a violin. The music may stop now and then, but the strings remain forever - Unknown

Love is missing someone whenever you're apart,
but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart - Kay Knudsen

Love is a game that two can play and both win - Eva Gabor

Love is not a matter of counting years. But making the years count - Michelle St. Amand


Hey guys, i bought a new novel series today, and i got the bonus inside.
It is a small cutie calendar, and in every month there is a quote like which i wrote above. I am missing someone now. I love those quotes and i am very happy when i read them, that's why i want to share it to you. :) hope you are fine and blessed always. Life is hard, but just try to be happy...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Inilah aku saat ini, berdiri memaku menikmati senja kala ini
Desiran ombak menghempas lembut kakiku.
Dingin atau hangat kah perasaan seperti ini
Aku sendiri bahkan jua tak tahu

Di negri nan jauh disana kau tinggal
Terpisahkan oleh ruang, jarak, waktu, samudra dan daratan
Tak pernah kupikirkan tentangmu sebelumya
Namun semuanya lenyap seketika, indah menjadi sebuah mimpi buruk

Angin perlahan membelai rambut ini, dengan malas mempermainkannya
Mataku terpejam, merasakan indahnya senja kala ini
Menyadari tanpa dirimu semua hanyalah hampa di hati
Ombak seakan memanggil manggil untuk bermain

Hati ini terlanjur keras, keras oleh apa yang telah terjadi
Maka air mata pun seakan kering, hanya ada kenangan
Kenangan bahwa kau adalah suatu kenyataan
Kenangan bahwa kau pernah ada untuk menghiasi hari - hariku.
Perih seakan dikoyak, hancur seakan dilempar
Itulah yang menjadi latar hati ku di sore yang indah ini
Semuanya sungguh bertolak belakang dengan yg terjadi
Perasaan ini, melebur, menyakitiku, membutakanku akan senja indah ini.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


When the first time i saw you
It was feel like my heart saying
That you were the only one who had to be my partner
It was not kind of passion but it was more like a goal

I saw you straight in your eyes
And it blusted me to bloom when you staring on my eyes too
Your shadow kept appear in my mind
I found that hard to forget you

The time was running so fast after that moments
I was feeling like floating on the love river just with you
Letting it go, we fall in love deeper and deeper
My heart beating uncontroled when you are on my side

Now you're mine, there is nothing to separate us
Just death will make us apart, but before it come i promise
To love you more than before for future days
Because you are the only light that shinning in my life

Baby i love you so much
And i never ever want to be apart from you
The whole life together with you is my only dream
And it can't be changed

Monday, March 26, 2012


Love Is Pure


Is something that colouring your days or more like motivation for us to pass day by day.
we woke up from our long sleep in the morning, it is feeling like we just get a new spirit to face the whole day. There will be many questions like wether we will meet today, about the what kind of topic that we would talk today, about his/her condition wether he/she is fine, about what he dreamed when he was sleeping, wether he/she dreamed about us, etc. It is like we are getting so curious about him/her. All of those questions can be answered when we meet him/her. So, when our unlucky day come, that he/she can not meet us because of an urgent thing to do, it will break our mood a little, but still we will be happy too, to make him/her feeling comfort. So, when he/she can not come to meet us, it will keep our mind busy all the time. Busy about what ? Of course, busy about thinking of him/her. The whole day we will always feel impatient to reach the next day, to meet him/her when he/she will be free again. Till the end of that day, we will keep busy to think about his/her condition, about what he/she is doing now, about curious wether he/she is also thinking about us or not, and all of those kind of feeling. The next day come, when we can meet him/her, wow we will feel very very very happy when the time is coming. We start feeling happy because when we meet we can spend times together, talking, knowing what he/she did the whole day, sharing, joking, and all. :) In this time, we will feel like nothing else could be compared with our precious time together, means that this time is the best time ever! We will feel happy that all our questions that already filled our mind the whole day were answered.

 Finding that he/she is in a good mood, good health, still cheering up, still care with us, will make us happier than before. But then, if we found that he/she was not in a fine condition, maybe he/she was sick, was having headache, or other it would make us feel so sad and so worry. Thinking about it most of time and think that we really want to care him/her more than before, thinking about how it would be better if we can just meet him/her and sit beside him/her and accompany him/her while also taking good care for him/her.
At the end of our meeting time, saying good bye is the hard words to say. Our heart screaming that it will be better to say "please don't go now, i still miss you and still want to be with you". This feeling is like we don't wanna stay far away from him/her. Feeling like this mostly happen in the end of meeting, when we will apart, when we will not talk for some period of time. As a writer here, i feel it and i know how hard it is.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Beautiful park that is so quiet is like a hole in my beautiful heart.

I am walking along the path of the road lonely.
Pretending to be happy and fine.
But who knows a true feeling inside this heart.
Just only you, who incised a wound in my heart.

          You are the only one who i am dreaming on..
          You are the only one who knows everything about me.
          You are the only one who colouring my days.
          And you are the only one who owned this heart.

Knowing about what's happening now.
Make this heart so pain of facing the reality.
Woke up from a beautiful dream is always be so hard.
After all that i was dreaming about u.

         In this painfull heart, is always shouting your name
         In this blue life, is always praying the best for you both.
         In this time, still missing u, and always miss u
         I hope you will know and understand how much i love you


Today why i really wanted to make a blog is because i start finding my new interest in it..
One of my friend told me about blog. At first i tought it would be hard and dificult..
but because i really interesting in it now, so let's keep in fire!!

Maybe later i will updates ma blog.. I am still new here.. So still many that i have to learn.

Urus Visa Schengen Sendiri - Undangan (Tanpa Agent, Tanpa Surat Kantor) - PART B

    Ini adalah kelanjutan dari proses pengurusan Visa Schengen ku ya temen-temen. Setelah pada Part A, aku punya checklist dokumen untuk vis...