Monday, March 26, 2012


Love Is Pure


Is something that colouring your days or more like motivation for us to pass day by day.
we woke up from our long sleep in the morning, it is feeling like we just get a new spirit to face the whole day. There will be many questions like wether we will meet today, about the what kind of topic that we would talk today, about his/her condition wether he/she is fine, about what he dreamed when he was sleeping, wether he/she dreamed about us, etc. It is like we are getting so curious about him/her. All of those questions can be answered when we meet him/her. So, when our unlucky day come, that he/she can not meet us because of an urgent thing to do, it will break our mood a little, but still we will be happy too, to make him/her feeling comfort. So, when he/she can not come to meet us, it will keep our mind busy all the time. Busy about what ? Of course, busy about thinking of him/her. The whole day we will always feel impatient to reach the next day, to meet him/her when he/she will be free again. Till the end of that day, we will keep busy to think about his/her condition, about what he/she is doing now, about curious wether he/she is also thinking about us or not, and all of those kind of feeling. The next day come, when we can meet him/her, wow we will feel very very very happy when the time is coming. We start feeling happy because when we meet we can spend times together, talking, knowing what he/she did the whole day, sharing, joking, and all. :) In this time, we will feel like nothing else could be compared with our precious time together, means that this time is the best time ever! We will feel happy that all our questions that already filled our mind the whole day were answered.

 Finding that he/she is in a good mood, good health, still cheering up, still care with us, will make us happier than before. But then, if we found that he/she was not in a fine condition, maybe he/she was sick, was having headache, or other it would make us feel so sad and so worry. Thinking about it most of time and think that we really want to care him/her more than before, thinking about how it would be better if we can just meet him/her and sit beside him/her and accompany him/her while also taking good care for him/her.
At the end of our meeting time, saying good bye is the hard words to say. Our heart screaming that it will be better to say "please don't go now, i still miss you and still want to be with you". This feeling is like we don't wanna stay far away from him/her. Feeling like this mostly happen in the end of meeting, when we will apart, when we will not talk for some period of time. As a writer here, i feel it and i know how hard it is.

Is a long lasting feeling. We will feel it is hard to forget someone easily after everything that happened between us (personally) and him/her. Although we have already separated for months or even years, but for those "strong love" will not disappear that fast! I found even in some cases, it needs more than just 3 years to forget someone. Maybe the only reason that why we were separated is because we hate him/her, or we feel mad with him/her, or maybe we are hurted by him/her of what ever happened between us. But you know, even though those kind of feelings still staying in our heart till this seconds, but believe me that all of those feeling will desappear soon. Maybe not now, but i am sure later. We won't care about what mistakes that he/she ever did to us. The only one which will be left after those feeling disappear is only "true and pure love". Even though we can not owned him/her but seeing that he/she is happy with his/her life now, will make us happy too :) Talking about this pure love, reminds me about our God's love, which is eternal. He doesn't even care how many sins that we did, how many times we left Him just because of a sinful thing, doesn't care about how many times we hurt His heart by doing something that He hates, but still, His love is loyal to us. We come, asking for an apology and He will surely hugs us and recover us from our guilty feeling. He forgive and forget our sin :) but for this one, there is the differences :) God forgive and forget our sin and mistakes. But human can only forgive but can not forget :) So, let's try hard to be like our Beloved Father.

 Back again about human love, it is also a place where we have to face the reality. Sweet or even bitter reality, to be together or even being separated with him/her, want it or not but we have to face the reality with deep breathe and keep ur head up. Maybe we can entertain our heart, saying and thinking easily that he/she is not the best that God gave to us, maybe the best partner for us is still waiting there outside. You know that God will never give us the worst. Even a bird in the sky knows how to give the best to their little birds, and what about our Almighty Father?? So, about this case the answer is "just accept the reality patiently, and give all of our pain and tears to Lord, He knows ". I know it is hard but nothing that we can do. This is the first option. If there is the first, there must be the second too. So, just like this, the first option maybe he/she was not made for u. But the second, maybe the separation is the only way for you both to get more loving to each other. By separation, you will feel alone, from in this loneliness you can know and understand how precious he/she is for you. You also can take some times for looking backwards about what you have done to him/her, that made you both separated. Think about the reason, was that a true reason that made you both have to face the separation or even what have u done was just a nonsense that bring you both in this kind of situation. If you do such nonsense thing, go back to him/her. Ask for him/her apology, there is still great opportunity that he/she will forgive you. But promise. after he/she forgive you, you may not do the same mistakes. If after asking such an apology but still he/she does not forgiving you, maybe you need more time to make he/she forgive you and back with you. See, in this second case means that the separation is just for making you both in the deeper feeling of one each other.

Love is also a feeling like we are obsessed with someone. Are you curious obsessed about what ? Okay, let me explain. See, when you are in love with someone, you'll feel that u just falling in love with something that u never like before, and you like it just because he/she likes it. Like when someone whom you love, he loves drawing and loves horses and those wolves, when at first you never love horses, wolves or drawing, but then you start love them too in the same way that he does. It is called obsessed. Being obsessed is not only this, but also when you feel that you want to know everything about him/her, when u are eagerly knowing all his dislikes and likes, all of his things, thoughts and feeling. It is called that you are obsessed with him. Being obsessed is also a feeling where we put his comfort and happiness as our first orientation to do. Whenever we are going to do something, we will think about it first, weather she would like it or not. We are obsessed to make him/her feeling happy and comfort forever and ever.

Is calm. softness, compliance, giving, desire, keeping in touch, readiness, melting feeling, fully of patient when facing him/her, acknowledgment, sacriface. When we are in love with someone, we won't be able to act rude to them. Well maybe only once, but then after everything is end and the problem is solved,  that guilty feeling will filled out our heart. As an apology, we will talk more in love and low intonation and soft to him/her, trying to recover everything that fault. Then we start talking so in love with him/her, share with him/her about our feeling why we could act that rude to him/her. share everything to make everything clear too. No secreat in between us and him/her. Love is about loyalty too. Most of people has more than 1 person that he/she crush. What do you think about it ?? For me, i believe it. But i don believe that he/she "in love" with both girl. It is nonsense. God already chose for us only 1 person that can be our partner. It is mean that there is only one empty seat in our heart. If you are going to say that "no, in fact i love both girls or both men" then it means that you are selfish, and a people like this will not get any happiness in his relationship ever. Why i can say that ? Is because he, his self, can not choose which one. Then how can he/she get a happiness if they even can not choose the only one who is the best for his/her self. As i say that love is loyal, your heart will only beat for 1 person. Not for two :) your true love is only one of them. So if there is a story like this, i would like if one of those girl or man know his/her place and give up. First, it wont bring any problem between those 3, and the second it will give the boy/girl, want it or not, have to choose one. If still he/she can not choose, so you better leave him/her, means that he/she loves the other one more than you. 

 This is a true love, proved that he/she is the only one thay God sent to us. We won't be able to chose with whom we have to falling in love. In the same case, love comes and goes unexpected before. When we want to stay single for a while, but suddenly love comes to our heart for someone. In the same case, when we are trying hardly to find someone, but at the end, we can not find the best one. Love can not be denied and requested.

So over all i gonna say is just follow like the game, just follow the rules and think smart everytime and you'll end up very beautifully in it. don be too sad because if he/she is made for you then someday you bith will be together. if you don't means that, someone better from he/she is waiting there for you :) so just open the door and be friendly always :)



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