Friday, June 15, 2012

What You Done, Will Back To You One Day

Be careful for all things that you done to people in this world
One day everything that you done, will all back to your life
This is a public law. We didn't make it..
But it was made by God, for all the people in this world.
It is a law for all nations, all ages, people in all skin,
All backgrounds, whether poor or even rich people.
Remember in Bible Galatians 6:7
(For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap.)
When u sow a good thing, then you will get the good thing too back to you
But when you sow bad thing, be careful, it will back to you too

When you hurt someone who really need you.
Remember that someone with whom you are hanging on..
Will hurt you too, or even do more than what you ever done to someone.
All we need is just pray, when we got someone hurt us that bad.
I won't pray bad things happen to this person.
God's punishment is everything than what i pray for you.
When i just cry in sadness and try to forgive and forgive you.
I know it, Someone who always see me even when i am sleeping
Even when i am crying and fall down, won't let me feel the pain again and again.
He is fair. He will give the punishment to this person by His ways and plans.
But i will never know what his ways, and when the time is, He'll let you feel the same.

When one day someone do the same like what you did to me.
Please remember this always. Remember it, what you had done in your past time.
With all your fake hope, fake feelings that u ever given, with all your games and lies.
At that time you will say "so this kind of hurt that i ever given to you"
Maybe now, you are smiling or even laughing above my sorrow.
But one day, when everything back to you,
And you feel the pain like what i am feeling now,
And you crying like what i do every nights in silence,
Then you will know how much it hurts.
You will know the reason of my tears, my pain and hurt.

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