Saturday, July 7, 2012


       There was a girl in age about 15 years old. She had a talent in dancing. She joined in every local competitions and always won in them. All her relatives and friends were so happy and proud to had her. They all prayed that one day the little girl would be a well known international dancer.

         One day there was a competition held in her city. This competition was held by a famous man who was also well known in dancing. She came there and sit close to the stage. After some minutes. One by one the beautiful dancer came out from the backstage and they were performing. The girl was sitting and looked so details in every moves that the dancers were performed. No long, then the dancing time was end. All the audience were so impressed. They gave all the dancer a standing applause. The little girl standing and smiling, and also gave applause to them. But in her deepest heart, she was saying "Now i may sit here as an audience. But one day i will be on that stage and performing. Then all the standing applause will be mine."

          As the competition end and the most of audience gone, she was looking for the man, who is very well known as a greatest dancing teacher. She chased the man before the man left the hall.
"Excuse me Sir, i know you from years ago. And i have no doubt with your abilities in teaching dance. I dream to be your student, Sir. I want to be like them. All your well known dancers.", she said.
"It is not easy to be my student. Well then, let me see what you can do. Dance now and i will get to know whether you really have skill in dancing or just a dream", the man replied.

         Soon, the girl was standing on the stage. She was dancing with all out. She was not "just dancing". But she moves her body all with heart and really feel the music in his heart. Then everything goes on well. Seconds passed, one minute, two minutes, she was still dancing and the man still looking at her seriously. But at the fifth minutes, the man left the hall without say anything to the girl who was still dancing on stage. Stopped, the girl realized that the man left her alone without saying anything, whether criticizing or praising. She was thinking that the man was not interested at all to her dance that she was just performing.

          The little girl run away home. She got into her room and slapped the door. She put pillow on her face. Laying on bed and crying a lot. She was so hurt with what just happened. from that moment, she promised herself, not to dream to be a famous dancer anymore, not to dance at all in whole life. She was going to bury all her skills and dream. She was not confident anymore with herself. She doubt with her own skill which she earned since she was kids.

          Time goes by, the little girl grown up to be woman. As she finished her senior high school, she got a job as a shopkeeper. She was 25 years old and married a man. She had usual life just like other people have. She became a wife from a man, and work daily at the shop as a shopkeeper. She still bury her dream till then. One day two buyers came to the shop. They both were talking about the dance competition which will be held in other city which is close to her place. She listened carefully every conversation the buyers had. The buyers was young about her age years ago when she was performing and got too much disappointed.

          As returned home, she told his husband that she will go to other city which is close to watch the dance competition. Even his husband was surprised. Because he didn't know at all if his wife love dance. The man allowed the woman. At the date, she was already there. Again she sit and watched the dancers performing one by one, and also those famous dancers. Unexpectedly, she met that man. The man for whom she was performing years ago.

          She was so surprised. She called the man, and asking the man.
"Excuse me, Sir. Do you still remember me?", she asked

"I am sorry, but who are you ? I can't remember you. I met many people in my work", said the man.

"I was a teenager that you left when i was performing in front of you. We met 10 years ago in this city too. I was asking you to take me as your student. But then you left me" she expalined.
"Oh.. mmm.. Yeaaaa.. Now i remember you. How are you now ? And where you have been performing since that day ? You really have a great skill in dancing." the man again said.

"I am sorry, Sir. But what do you mean that i had great skill in dancing. If so, then why you left me that day without saying anything to me. At that time, i was so hurt. I thought you didn't like what i was performing then you left me without saying anything" the woman said.
"Listen to me, i didn't mean to leave you. I was just going inside to take my purse i left in my room. I planned to give my name card to you. So when you are ready then you had my number to contact me. I also wanted to let you meet my friend who is also a dancing teacher. But as i back here with my friend and a name card for you. I didn't find you everywhere. So i thought you also left.", explained the man.
"But you just with me so little time, just five minutes then left. If you really like my dance then you would have stayed longer and keep watched me till i finish", the woman again asked.

"To know about the quality of a wine, we can just smell it a while and get to know, not need to drink it much till it last. Just smell and drink a bit then we get to know whether the wine is good or not. It is the same with what i did to you. I didn't need to watch u till you finish it. Only for five minutes i watched you were performing, i got to know that you have great skills in dancing and i was sure one day you'll be a great dancer of mine" said the man.

          The woman lost everything. She lost her dreams that she built since she was kids. then she back home, crying and start her daily life again with her husband and keep work as a shopkeeper in her town.


What can we take from this story :
1. Dream as high as you can, dream as you will live forever.
2. Do everything for your dream till you confident that one day you gonna have it.
3. Believe yourself that you are good enough to get what you are dreaming on. And everything will be easy.
4. The last, is cover your dream with every prays that you say to God.
5. Don't ever doubt and keep your faith in Him. ^_^ see you!!

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