Saturday, April 7, 2012


Hey guys, Easter Day is here. :) In this Easter Day i want to share you something that i know.
You know what, i miss my hometown Church every Christmas and Easter come :D
Yeah, just last year i moved to this city and live alone.
I used to have party at Church with my Church kids :D. Hehehehe..
Well i was an "Guru Sekolah Minggu" that's what Indonesia says :D
I used to teach my students at Church every Sunday morning at 9am till 11.30am in the morning :D
I will be at Church at that time, played with them, told them about God, gave them some games & gifts, etc.
I miss them so much now. Well in this new city i am no longer become a Church teacher.
That is just what about me. So that's why  also write this for you all..

Easter day is here.. What is Easter ? Well Easter is a Glory for all people who believe in Him. In every Easter day, we celebrate His big and great love to us. That He gave us His love and life and died for us, to pay us for our sin. Who should die there ? It is us, not Him. because the bible wrote in Romans 6:23a.
Well here i will write the simple English, so that you all can understand it simply. "For the wages which sin pays is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Look at the bold sentences. There is written that because of our sin, we have to died. Died here talks about the time after our life is end, died here means Hell. So, what we have to pay of our sin is hell, died and hell.

But don't worry, He who is almighty already paid us for that. It is also written in Bible in Hebrews 9:22 "under the Law (Law of Jews) almost everything is purified by means of blood, and without the shedding of blood there is neither release from sin and its guilt nor the remission of the due and merited punishment for sins." >>>Without blood, there is no forgiveness.

And the question is "why Jesus's blood? why not other people's blood?"
And the answer is, Ecclesiastes 7:20 "Surely there is not a righteous man upon earth who does good and never sins." There is no people in this earth never do a sin. Even a new born baby, they already inherited with their paretns sin (because they are made from a contact body between man and woman). A sinfull blood can not pay a sin.

And a new question "then if a new born baby is already sinfull, what about Jesus ? He was also a baby before He became adults, and why He is not a sinfull person?"
And the answer is, Jesus was not made from a body contact between Joseph and Mary. Matthew 1:18 "Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place under these circumstances: When His mother Mary had been promised in marriage to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit." so Mary still virgin and got pregnant by the power from The Holy Spirit, not because a contact body. In Matthew 1:19, there at first after knowing it, Joseph planned to divorce quietly from Mary because he knew it that Mary was pregnant secretly behind him and he was not willing to expose Mary publicly into a shame and disgrace. What a good man. He even still cared with Mary's name and reputation.
And in the Matthew 1:20 again was saying "But as he (Joseph) was thinking this over, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, 'Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of  from the Holy Spirit" So this is the answer why have to be Jesus died for us, because He is pure. He was 100% man, but He is also 100% God, not made from a way like husband and wife do.

Jesus is 100% man, He lived in this earth 2000 thousands ago. And He really need food, feeling sad and hurt just like a pure human. Even at the beginning of His arrest, He also felt afraid. He cried and prayed at the Gethsemane. Hoping to passed all of those pain and suffering. But what He prayed ? Matthew 26:39 "And going a little farther, He threw Himself upon the ground on His face and prayed saying, My Father, if it is possible, let this cup (pain and suffering) pass away from Me, nevertheless, not what I will, not what I desire, but as You will and desire." See? How stong and obey. He became obedient unto death just because of us. And Matthew 17:23A "And they will kill Him, and He will be raised again on the third day." This is why i said about Easter is a Glory for us. Jesus who is God, the death could not take Him, and He showed it that He was the winner of the Death. He made the devil feel ashamed and defeated

He is Almighty, if He wanted to, He also could cancell all those suffering and pain, but because He loves us too much, He wants to be our saviour. And wants us to be with Him forever. Romans 3;24 "All are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratuitously by His grace (His unmerited favor and mercy), through the redemption which is provided in Christ Jesus".
So now, do you believe in Him ? Romans 5:1A there are written "We are right because of our faith to Him". We are saved beacuse we believe in Him, we are right not because what we done in this life, not because how many kindness we did along life. But we saved only if we believed in His name and do all He wants. John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except by Me."


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