Sunday, August 26, 2012


ku pandangi setiap tetesan air terjatuh
bulir demi bulir, menetes meresap ke tanah
semilir angin terasa di wajahku
angin yang membawa butiran – butiran air

ku pandang jauh ke jalanan
sepi, sunyi, kesendirian memelukku
kesendirian yang serasa tak asing lagi
ya, aku sendiri, menyendiri ketika kau pergi

bekas hujan masih terasa
tanah masih tertinggal basah
langitpun masih gelap oleh mendung
demikian pun kota ini, sepi

dalam hujan, bayanganmu semakin nyata
tak tertepikan dalam hari – hariku
tak tergantikan dirimu dalam hidupku
kenangan, masih senantiasa ada di pikiran



I loved rain only when i was kid. I used to play with the rain.
Hanged out and played in the pouring rain with my friends.
We walked far away and laughed and chased to one another in the pouring rain and then fell down to the ground, stood up again and ran again, danced in rain, hugged each other in the rain and all.
What a very lovely childhood times.
Everytime i remember the way i played in rain with my childhood friends.
And in that everytime i feel again the innocence.
Forget what all around me now and just remembering those fun times.

But when i grew up to be teenager, i hated rain.
I used to hate the rain, especially in the evening.
For me, rain brings coldness, silence and all the darkness around.
Every rain came i always hate it, especially in times when i was going back home from school or work.
I would hate that a lot.

But these days, i miss the rain.
No rain for several days here, and i miss that rain so much.
I miss the cold nights, the sounds of dropping grain of rain, the thunders, the lights of thunder, i miss those.
I miss a very cold dejected nights when the rain comes.
I will love to hear those sad songs from Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romans, Green Day, The Fray, Mat Kearney.
Those kind of music to accompany my time while raining outside.

Nothing said when the rain comes.
Just enjoy the loneliness, the missing time.
Now i love the sensation that the rain brings.
Now i love the smell how the water hits the dry ground.
Now i love the sound of the rain rhythm, like it brings me peace.
Now i also love the dark cloudy sky, looking cool.
I love everything about rain now.
With the music around, i really have my great time in the pouring rain.
I really really do.


Monday, August 20, 2012



wo ting jian ni de sheng yin
When I hear your voice

you dian te bie de gan jue
I get a special kind of feeling

rang wo bu duan xiang bu gan zai wang ji ni
It makes me continually think that I don't dare forget you again.

wo ji de you yi ge ren
I'll always remember that there's a person

yong yuan liu jai wo xin zhong
Who will stay in my heart forever

na pa zhi neng gou zhe yang de xiang ni
Even if I can only long for you this way

ru guo zhen de you yi tian
But if there really comes a day

ai qing li xiang hui shi xian
When this love becomes a reality

wo hui jia bei nu li hao hao dui ni yong yuan bu gai bian
I will redouble my efforts to be true to you.

bu guan lu you duo mo yuan
No matter how long the road

yi ding hui rang ta shi xian
I will surely make this love come true.

wo hui qin qin zai ni er bian dui ni shuo (dui ni shuo)
I'll lean close to your ear, and gently say to you,

wo ai ni ai zhe ni
"I love you, I'm loving you

就像 老鼠爱大米
jiu xiang lao shu ai da mi
Just like mice love rice.

bu guan you duo shao feng yu wo dou hui yi ran pei zhe ni
No matter how many difficulties may come, I will still accompany you.

wo xiang ni xiang zhe ni
I miss you, I'm missing you,

bu guan you duo mo de ku
No matter how bitter the way

zhi yao neng rang ni kai xin wo shen me dou yuan yi
I'm willing to do anything to make you happy.

zhe yang ai ni
That's the way I'll love you.

One of the most well known mandarin song :)
I know this since about 6 or 7 years ago when i was still in Junior High School..
Everytime i listen to this song, i remember someone in my Junior High School time..
Someone whom i admired on :) And also those, my best friends :) all are 16 best friends :)
All my friends and me love this song.
We sometimes sing together ^_^

Try it :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012


          Today night, i logged in to my facebook account. My bestfriend who was away right now from me, suddenly she sent me message in facebook. I read it, she told me about "dream that she had last night". I read it carefully. In her dream she was hospitalized. But then she saw me, i came to her but i didn't talk at all. She asked me what was i doing there. And she told me that i answered "i was just hit by a truck". And in her dream i suddenly gone and disappeared. She called me but couldn't see me everywhere. Then she saw some spirits coming to her and asking her to come to them. She refused.
          Honestly after read her message i was so afraid about what i said in her dream. In Christian, a dead are a lucky thing, because we can see our greatest Father, Jesus. I approve that too. But i was so afraid, i suddenly cried. I don't know what that dream means. Then i played some Christian songs. And i kneeled on my bed site. I sang the songs, i greeted Him and i prayed. I told God all what i feel. About my feeling to that dream too.
          In my pray i said "Jesus i believe in You more than anything, and i know this was just a dream that my friend had. I am sure, You will always cover me and my friend from every bad thing. I believe that if i keep faith just on You then, You really gonna change my life. In your Hands i lay my life, in your Eyes i see the greatest Love that no one ever given to me. I know everything happens for a reason. I know living as a human in this world, was just like fume, once seen and soon gone away. So please Lord let me to make my family happy and pruod to me before you take me back to the eternity. Once i will back as dust, and my spirit will gone forever from this body, but let me first become someone good and such a good daughter, grandaugther, as a kids in Your eyes." But after prayed one thing that built my feeling, He hugs me and will always be right here with me. I want Him to change me. Change my life. Just to be better one like before.
          Then i talked to my mom through phone. And my mom calmed me down as well. Readers, have you ever had something like what i am feeling now ? Feeling afraid of a bad dreams ? To be honest, i really not ready to back now. I am not a good person. I used to be. But these months, i am really not. I am trying and trying but so hard to be just like before, just like who i was. I don't like with what these months i do, i really want to back like i used to be. This is really not because of the broken heart. But just, life is so hard these days, and i hate what myself do these days. Have you ever felt like what i am feeling now ?
          I am truly saying this because i really feel this. I mean, i am not lying. It is just what happening now to me. Well maybe you guys think it is to much to share here. But sharing is one i can do now. I can't just keep it all inside me. I feel good everytime i pray and share problems. See you soon again readers. God bless.


Saturday, August 11, 2012


I am happy and thanking God that He let me born in my family that i have now. I know, why He let me born there, because in my life He had planned the best thing for me, even the time i haven't created. He let me born in a family that know Him close. I also happy and proud to have Him in my life. Such a precious that i will never let go. He makes me the best thing in Him, no matter who i really am, no matter how bad i am. But He keep loving me and always strengthen me.

I know i am a sinful person who do not deserve to get a heaven and live with Him there. But, because He loves me that much. He sacrificed Himself on a cross, let people did bad thing and even i called it a very dishonorable thing to Him, who is actually a God. Everytime i watch "The Passion of Christ" i always realize, about how bad i am, what the good thing i ever do for Him, i am nothing in this world. As human that created by Him, i realize that i am nothing and i always need Him on my way.

A Christianity is not just a religion. But it is more than that. It is a picture of such a True Love that God has for us. In Bible written that "He came in this world to look for the lost sheep to rescue them".

It is not just we say "we believe in Jesus" but never pray and never love to read His words. Then, how can we believe without we listen and have communication with Him. All impossible. I already experienced it. I used to said "i believe in Him and all His words", but i rarely pray or even just read His words in Bible.

One day, God let me have a trouble in my life. And then what ? Did i just feel it calmly ? Did i feel all okay and never be afraid ? No. I felt so much afraid, i felt so worried about my life. Although that time i tried to convince myself that "hey you said you believe in Jesus, let everything happen and you just gonna be okay". But what i got ? No, i didn't feel alright at all when i was in that problem. I started to pray to Jesus, i cried, i asked Him to let me get through in that problem with Him beside me.

And then what, i felt better after i talked to Him, felt like someone had just took away my burden. I was still in that problem, but i felt inside was just a calm feeling, no more afraid, no more tears. All i let it passed, because i already believe and God looked like just talked to me to be just okay. I know that i have A Living Lord. My Lord, is not just a name. But He is here, He lives and always see every single things that i do in my life. Even i am alone like now in my room. But i believe His eyes are still on me. He is looking at me, and gives me so much love that even the closest person in my life, never gonna able to give me.

So read it, read all His words in Bible. Then you gonna be just okay. I feel it, sometimes i don't understand what Bible said to me when i read it, how it could be related to my life and what the words means. But then my Clergyman suggested me to just read, read even you don't know what Bible saying. Because the Holy Spirit will help you to understand every words there. And i always believe that "Everything i do in His name won't be just a waste".

"Kris, where will you go after you die ? Hell or Heaven ?" a friend of mine ever asked me this.
"There, to Heaven", i answered him.
"How could you answered that in so surely?", he asked me again.
"Of course i believe, you know what. I have no longer debt that can tied me in an eternal hell. Because my Father in heaven had paid fully for me since i haven't created in this world, but just only if you believe your life in Him then you are saved", i answered.

I wrote this all not try to made an arrogant thing to myself. Because i also realize that i am not a good person at all. If i have all in my life, then it is not because of me. But God made it for me. I hope you will live more in a way closer to Jesus. Try and you will find what actually a joy is. Joy that world gives is totally different with God gives. Joy that the world gives, last soon. But what about the Joy that God gives, it is eternal. Even if you are in such a big problem, you will always can feel the joy, and you won't get to know the reason why.



GOD created us to be with Him.
OUR sins seperate us from God.
SINS cannot be removed by good deeds.
PAYING the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
EVERYONE who trusts in Him alone has eternal life.
LIFE with Jesus starts now and last forever.

"He who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgement, but has passed from death into life." John 5:24

Jesus as a bridge to Heaven. Never means that Christian has 3 gods. No, never.
Christian has only a God.
Jesus Christ, God and Holy Spirit >> is God. Known in many names we called but the only 1 Lord we have.

Sources :

Urus Visa Schengen Sendiri - Undangan (Tanpa Agent, Tanpa Surat Kantor) - PART B

    Ini adalah kelanjutan dari proses pengurusan Visa Schengen ku ya temen-temen. Setelah pada Part A, aku punya checklist dokumen untuk vis...