Sunday, May 13, 2012


Anyone of you missing your friends like hell ?
If you do so, means that we are the same..
Sometimes i am a person who are very stubborn, but loving but sometimes seems i am strange than any other people thinking. My heart blast with everything most of time. Like when i am having a new idol, or when i am doing adventures, when i am in love with someone, when i am in love with a new program, ahh everything..

And today, the whole day i was just sitting on a chair, i watched some albums of my old friends :D But in the albums, there was no me there :( I was that shy to take a pictures sometimes, i am not a confidence girl. I take a picture based on my mood. When i am happy and free and blasting, i would love to take a picture. But else, i won't. These days from facebook, i was looking at my friends' pictures.. Not friends, but all my best friends in school time. I started to miss them a lot, no matter they are girls or boys :D

So i talked with some of them, sending them message and talked a lot :D I was looking a picture from my member in our gang :D hahaha.. not a gang for fighting :D But we were a gang for laughing :D Our gang name is "CRAZY GANG". Why we named it "crazy" because we love to laugh all the time. And we laughed till we wanted to pee and till we cough :D So they all were my Elementary School friends :D But then when we got into Junior High School when my age about (13-15 years old) Some of us are separated, just few friends who succeed to signed up in my school and then still together with me and our friendship become stronger because we were together since Elementary School and till Junior High School still together and meet daily. You know, just by watching their face then i can easily laugh :D I had a teacher, she was my Indonesian Language teacher :D I was staring at her shoes most of times :D She is fat, and have a cute shoes. My friend and i always laughed slowly when she entered my class..

One day, my bad day. Reading class. Hehehe.. :D She was sitting on a chair and just finish angry with one of my friend, boy. I laughed a lot that time with my gang, 1 sit near me, and 2 in front of me. but just 3 of us included me who laugh a lot :D The teacher of course heard our laugh. And she said "who is that laughing" Hihihihi. My friend and i put our head down and pretending like writing something :D And my teacher calming down, i and my friend who sit next to me also calming down :D But my friend in front of me, turn her head around and looking at us and started laughing again :D I still remember the way she laughed. Oh My God!! She is a woman, but laughing like a man.. Of course i can't write down here, but really she is awesome. So just by seeing she laughing, i and my friend laughed a lot again.

Then the teacher call my name "Kris continue the reading". I didn't know where she stopped reading, i mean in which row i have to continue, because i was laughing and didn't pay attention to her :D So i was stop laughing and got panic. I was saying to my friend "hey in which row i have to continue the reading" She told me, "hey kris how can i know, i laugh with you hahahaha.. go to the hell" And i was say "you are really crazy". Then one of my friend who didn't joined us to laugh, told me the line. She is that calm girl but still sometimes got crazy too with me. Her mom was my teacher in next 1 year when i got to Senior High School hehehe..So i read it, but still with a little bit laughing, because my friend in front of me still laugh a lot, and i always can't stop laughing when i hear the voice of her laugh. I read the articles with laughing, my voice trembling and i said every words so unclear. So my teacher said "stop stop kris stop. You don't pay attention to me, so it is you laughing a lot in my class huh???? and Lena continue it, Kris is unable to read the article well. hssshhh"

I was so shy that time that the teacher said that to me :D but i am happy to pass that time. Why Lena able to do that :D because she can sontrol her self better than me. Lena and Leni are twins :D But in that year i was staying at the same class with Lena. I am happy and didn't get so sad that time because i miss it how teachers called my name and got angry on me :D hihihi :D I miss my friends a lot. After the class, they were like "hahahahahahahah poor you that she caught you hahahahahaha." But i am not hurt or pain or angry to them :D I am happy and i laughed again together with them :D Now, i and her, already separated for 5 years, we don't meet anymore. But friends in fb, but rarely to talk. I am going to miss her a lot. But for my twin friends who is like my sister, i meet them in every holiday when i back to hometown and they back hometown too :D Now that i see all my friends are going so beautiful and handsome :D hehehe i would like to joke with them how was they looked like when they were kids. And me? Wow i always cool and awesome hahahahahahahahahahhaahhahaahha..

I have many many many best friends and i am happy with people around me :)
Friendship is forever and ever ending relationship :D

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