Sunday, May 27, 2012


We will never know when the end of our time. You can imagine, from Jakarta to Pleabuhan Ratu (destination place of Sukhoi) can be reached only in 30 minutes. But you know it that Sukhoi was not escaped  for passing only 30 minutes to be there. It is shorter from Jakarta to go to Pelabuhan Ratu that just take only 30minutes, than go to Surabaya will spend more time 1hour and 10minutes. I know it because i usually go back to my hometown by plane, as destination place is Surabaya. Just like what i said, we will never know the time. So use our time well, love the people whom u love, people around you and your relatives...

The 45 soul in the accident of Sukhoi Superjet 100 have been indentified.
From the source i got
Based on the news from Sukhoi Company in Indonesia, PT Trimarga Rekatama, Sunaryo, this is the name list of the victim of the Sukhoi Tragedy :
  1. Kornel M Sihombing, PT DI, Indonesia
  2. Edie Satriyo , Pelita Air, Indonesia
  3. Darwin Pelawi, Pelita air, Indonesia
  4. Gatot Purwoko, Pelita air, indonesia
  5. Herman Suladji, Air Maleo, Indonesia
  6. Donardi Rahman, Aviastar, Indonesia
  7. Anton Daryanto, Indonesia Air Transport, Indonesia
  8. Arief Wahyudi, PT Trimarga Rekatama, Indonesia
  9. Haidir Rachsin, PT Catur Daya Prima, Indonesia
  10. Rully Darmawan, Indo asia, Indonesia
  11. Ahmad Fazal, Indo Asia, Indonesia
  12. Insan Kamil, Indo Asia, Indonesia
  13. Edwar Edo M, Indo Asia, Indonesia
  14. Ismie, Trans TV, Indonesia
  15. Aditya Sukardi, Trans TV, Indonesia
  16. Dody Aviantara, Majalah Angkasa, Indonesia
  17. DN Yusuf, Majalah Angkasa, Indonesia
  18. Femi, Bloomberg News, Indonesia
  19. Stephen Kamaci, Indo Asia, Indonesia
  20. Kapten Aan, Kartika, Indonesia
  21. Yusuf Ari Wibowo, Sky, Indonesia
  22. Henny Stevani, Sky, Indonesia
  23. Mai Syarah, Sky, Indonesia
  24. Dewi Mutiara, Sky, Indonesia
  25. Nur Ilmawati, Sky, Indonesia
  26. Rossy Withan, Sky, Indonesia
  27. Anggi, Sky, Indonesia
  28. Aditya, Sky, Indonesia
  29. Salim K, Sky, Indonesia
  30. Ade Arisanti, Sky, Indonesia
  31. Raymond Sukando, Sky, Indonesia
  32. Santi, Sky, Indonesia
  33. Ganis Arman Zuvianto, Indonesia Air Transport, Indonesia.
  34. Peter Adler, Sriwijaya, USA
  35. Nam Tran, Snecma, Prancis
  36. Maria Marcella, Sky, Italia
  37. Sussana Vamella, Sky, Italia
  38. Yabloncev, Sukhoi, Rusia
  39. Kirkin, Sukhoi, Rusia
  40. Kochetkov, Sukhoi, Rusia
  41. Martishenko, Sukhoi, Rusia
  42. Rakhimov, Sukhoi, Rusia
  43. Shvetsov, Sukhoi, Rusia
  44. Grebenshikov, Sukhoi, Rusia
  45. Kurzhupova, Sukhoi, Rusia

    All the victim had been rescued and the bodies had been given to the family. The 45 souls in Sukhoi dead. No one escape from the tragedy. The bodies of the victims also had been found but definately not 100% bodies. Even also not up to 50% was found. Some relatives hardly believe that they were ready to see the body of their beloved people who died in the Sukhoi Tragedy. But some also decided not to see their relatives for the last time.

    As told in Viva News, the 45 coated aluminum crates had been ready to bring their bodies to their beloved family. Some of them who live in town, ready to have the funeral as soon as they got their bodies. But for those who live out of town, about 30 ambulans has been prepared to carry the coffins back to their family.
someone is praying in front of the coffins of the sukhoi victim
the sadness atmosphere surrounding the funeral home
the ambulances is ready to bring the coffins back to their family
the victim of Sukhoi

And here is the videos of Sukhoi Superjet 100 before the flight started. You can see how they enjoyed their time, without realizing that it would be the last time of them.

1. Before, There was a Priest from Nigeria who prophesied about the Missing Plane in Indonesia, and had a crash on may 9th, 2012. God is still awake and still keeping His Almighty eyes on us. He will always knows what gonna happen to us in the future.

2. This is what was happening in the Sukhoi several times before the flight

3. The last moment of the Pilots and Stewardess before the flight started. The last smiles of them. Rest in Peace.

The bodies of eight victims of the tragedy of Sukhoi Superjet 100 who are Russian Nationals were flown back to their homeland. On May 24th, 2012, 04.00 AM, the bodies of crews of Sukhoi will be dispatched from Halim Perdanakusumah air base.

There was no realtives come to Indonesia to pick up the 8 bodies but was represented by the Russian Embassy and the Sukhoi. The eight bodies will be dispatched by plane owned by Russian Ilyushin.
Here is the complete names of the eight victims of Sukhoi Tragedy :

1. Eugeny Alexandro Grebenshikov (Sukhoi)
2. Kristina Nikolaesna Kurzhuposa (Sukhoi)
3. Nikolay Dmitriesich Nartyshchenko (Sukhoi)
4. Alexey Nikolaesich Kirkin (Sukhoi)
5. Alexander Nikolaevich Yablontsev (Sukhoi)
6. Alexander Pavlovich Kochetkov (Sukhoi)
7. Denis Valerievich Rakhimov (Sukhoi)
8. Oleg Vasilevich Shvetsov (Sukhoi)

Helping source is from

All the victims had been found and all the bodies had been sent back to the family, the Russian too. This is an end of Sukhoi News. I hope all the family left, will always live in Glory. Keep the fire in God. Keep believing that one day we gonna meet them once again when the world really end. I know it is so hard, but living in Jesus' name will give us more strength and peace in His Almighty Name. God bless u all..

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