Saturday, May 5, 2012


I still remember the first time we met
I still remember the first time we talked
I still remember what i was feeling at that time
I still remember what i was doing while talking with you
I still remember too what i was feeling when we talked further about feeling
I can still remember the blasting feeling that i had
I still remember your favorite things to do and animals
I can still remember our conversations
I still remember the food that u just ate before chatted with me
I can still remember what things that made you smile and laugh
I remember the day everything changed
I remember what made me being like this to you
I remember the way you asking me back
I remember what i was feeling when i got my picture from you
I remember what you usually doing while talking with me here
I remember for every pictures that you sent me and the stories
I remember the day when i was so much in love with you
I remember the daily things that you usually do for me
I remember the time we usually talked
I remember our last conversation before ended it up
I remember your last words that really hurt and made me in anger
I also remember the worst words that i told to you before i gone forever
I still remember the time before Valentine's day
I remember the way you always listen to all my story that i told
I remember everything.. Still fresh in my mind..

Everything just playing slowly like a video player in my mind..
I let it flow.. Because i know one thing..
I know that the time will heal everything..
That the time will erase them away..
What i am feeling now is a bit love while remembering all of those things..
But one day everything will be just a "memories" and no more love..
One day that face will disappear from my mind..
And completely lost, and i completely forget, and just a story left..
Because i already erase all the left things..
I don't wanna leave and keep any pictures to remember everything..
Time will save everything.. And i believe in that..
There is no way back after all the things that happened..
Always be strong is what i am trying to be..
Because i know i am not that weak for just a man..
Life is still so interesting without him..
I am young, i still have many dream to chased than just thinking about a man :D

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