Thursday, May 24, 2012


It has been a year after Pika, my dog left me.. I miss her a lot.. Last year in this date May 24th 2012, Pika left me forever. He is my second last dog.. Still her twins, male dog, named Coco.. But Coco is also sick right now. He is also old already.. Pika spent almost 12 years with me. I had her since i was kids about 7 years ago.. Pika and Coco have the same birthday date with me :) But in this case i will just talk about Pika. Other time i will talk about my other dogs. There is Meli, Boni, Coco, Tik Tik, Ciki, Lessie, and other unnamed because they died some days after born or lost by someone :(

So Pika, she was born in 1999. At that time, Meli was pregnant. And my mom already ordered a birthday cake for me. So in the morning i still remember, after school, on the way to the cake shop, my grandmother's sister called my mom phone, and told that Meli had just gave birth to some puppies. I was so happy and i really wanted to go home soon. After we took the cake at the shop. My mom took me home because i was strunggling to go home and home. I don't care for the birthday party that my mom will held. Hehehe.. So for not making me cry. My mom took me home and she went alone to some shops to prepare my birthday party which will be held in evening :D

At home, my mom's cousin (uncle Nopy) said happy birthday to me. He was also preparing for the birthday. I looked that he brought scissors and some colorful papers for my party :D I was so happy. The air around was so warmth. After put my bag in my room, i didn't change my uniform :D Because i wanted to see the puppies hurriedly. Before went, my mom knew it and a bit shouted to me to wash hand and change uniform first. But my grandmother defensed me hehehe. So i escaped from home and run to the backyard to see Meli.There i saw Meli was sleeping while there were some puppies around her. They were drinking milk from Meli :D still so cute. With closed eyes, small body, they were drinking milk. Heheheh you can imagine how cute. I hurriedly took one dog who was didn't have place to drink milk. He was still so small.. My grandmother's sister told me to let him down and let him milk :D I was so happy.

I forgot about it. But my mom told me i spent hours just by sitting near Meli and touched her fur to love her and watched how the puppies drinking milk. When the time for my birthday was close. My mom asked me to bath and i went for bath. She was really angry that i made my uniform got dirty hehehe.. When my friends came. I talked many to them because i am talkactive girl. After games, and ate the food, i lead them to Meli's place. I showed them that i just got a new puppies :D They looked so happy too but i didn't let them touch my puppies that time. Hahahaha.. For this one, my friend told me. I forget already, she told me how i acted :D

In my birthday that year. Meli gave me special gift :) There were Pika there and Coco her twins. Pika was a strong dog. She rarely got sick. But well, sometimes she acted depends on her mood :D Whenever i called her, she would come to me when she had a mood to come. But if she didn't have mood, when i called her and brought food. She will just looked at me for a while and ignored me :D turn her head back and just enjoyed the sleeping time. of course, i was like "hah, pika i am calling you. hey pika. Come please. Hey". She again ignored me and kept sleeping.

I miss her a lot. Pika used to accompany me when my other family members were away from home :) I loved to call her "Ptikkkkkkkaaaa... Samanthaaaaaa.... and stilll also Pikaaaaaa" hehehe.. I love her a lot..
At the end of her life in May 2011. Pika was not sick at all. She still walked and even always waited in front of the gate when i wanna go to work. Also in the early evening when my home time, as i arrived home, she would always run after me. I used to touch her head and her fur. She loved me, and licked my finger and hand. When i sit beside her and put my face close to her, she will always lick my face especially my cheeks and lips :D hehehehe.. I miss her tongue around my face..

That time a day before she left. She hardly to walk. So she kept sitting all the day. I thought she just fell when she was playing. In the morning before i go for work, she waited me near my gate house. And i was like "Bye Pikaaaaa.. see u again later. And i love her again by rubbing her head fur". Soon after i locked the gate. She still kept her eyes in me. After worked at 4pm, i went home. But Pika didn't come and run to me. She was sitting and sleeping. I thought everything was fine. About at 5.30pm my grandmother sister came to me and told me that Pika got so weak. I suddenly left my phone, and came to her. I called her and she was too weak to looked at me. Her face so gloomy and looked like nothing left. I called my other grandmother sister who cared for her when i was kids by phone and told what was happening to Pika. She was already moved with Coco to another city. She was sad and wanted me to looked for Pika in everytime that day.

Dad and i brought Pika to her place where she usually sleep daily. I was a crying at that time. She was my life friend. I loved her a lot, and i didn't want to loose her. I kept praying in my heart hoping nothing bad would happen. Because Pika was still healthy days before. I was so sad. And i left her a while. I made milk for her. Soon after finished, I came to her and brought the medicine and milk. My mom and dad, granddad and grandmom helped me to made Pika had the medicine also the milk. She didn't want the milk :( Pika never acted like that before for a milk. She liked it a lot. I cried a lot and my grandmom sister said "no hope for her. She is old already. Maybe now is the time for her to leave us" I got more sadness. I kissed her and all, i don't care mom will angry or not.

My family left the place and back to their daily activity. But i kept sitting and talking with Pika. I was so sad. I cried a lot. because i really want her. As my entire life i feel i haven't made her so much in happiness. Because sometimes i teased Pika while we were playing. I tickling her ears when she came to me. I put my phone which is playing a song close to her ears, i want to listen songs with her. But she didn't like it so she will always left :( I stayed beside Pika for hours. Till i back to my house but still watching her from my house windows. I saw her walking so weakly to the backyard. It was so dark there. My mom and dad forbid me to go there. I run there and screaming for her name, hoping she will back to me.

Soon, my dad and mom left. I didnt have any brave to go to backyard. Because it was too dark there, it was a wide empty land T_T. I was too afraid with the mouses, the animals behind like frog or other. :( I called my grandmom's sister and she got so sad too. My other grandmom accompanied me to go to backyard. I was s bit happy. I found pika is sleeping in silent :( i called her to back to our main yard. She kept sleeping and sitting :( of course my grandmom and me, couldnt bring her. because her position are hard to take also she was big. so my grandmom's sister asked me to back to house. I back. and waited til my dad would reached home. After he reched home, i begged him to accompanied me to see Pika again.

It was about 8.30pm i visited her again. I went to backyard with mom, and dad. My brother was away that day. As we there, i found Pika is dead already :( She didn't move at all and brathe at all. I screamed and cried a lot. My dad brought her body to our main hall. And then put a a clothes on her body. I cried till midnight. And the next day i still cried when i saw her body. then behind our house. My mom called a man to dig the soil there, i already prepared for work. but i waited till Pika burried there. I was also recording the time when the soil started to cover her body. But till now i haven't seen it again. Because i will definately cried when i saw it. I miss her so much in my life. I always love with dogs. They are really human bestfriends.

This is all about Pika my beloved dog which i can told u. Always love ur pets. Because you will really feel guilty like me if u keep tease them. PIKA I LOVE YOU.. MY PTIIIK.. MY SAMANTHA..
( Thursday May 24th, 2012  11:15PM)

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